Contact us by WhatsApp or this email if you did not find any answer to your questions.
We have a 100% safety record and our tricycle has been tested for 6 positive G forces and 3 negative G forces, this is much higher than most conventional aircraft.
Our wing is of the latest generation and no longer has the old system of the king post holding the wings with cables, ours has a strong support on each wing made of duralumin for aviation, which makes it unbreakable, just like that of the largest light aircraft known in the world and we always fly in good weather conditions time.
The trike is designed to glide even when the engine is off, so don't worry and in fact, if you like, ask us before the flight and we will turn off the engine to land gliding.
This ride is individual but there are exceptions depending on weight.
The maximum for the rear passenger seat is 260 pounds so if the weight of the two passengers does not exceed this 260 pounds then you will be able to fly together but there are no two seats, they would have to be very close together in the same seat.
Only in winter we recommend wearing long pants with closed shoes and socks, we have jackets in all sizes in case you forgot yours.
Not only can you not carry cameras or cell phones with you on board, you also cannot carry sandals, watches, glasses, caps, coins or keys in your front bags, not even plastic hair clips. Any object that falls will go backwards and hit the propeller that is rotating at 5,000 RPM, enough speed to break, apart from the fact that the propeller will throw forward the same object that has been impacted at speed sufficient to hurt us and then go in free fall downwards, where there are people, boats, etc.
Our engine comes equipped with a very efficient exhaust that greatly reduces noise, but in any case we provide our passengers with a noise protector and also protective eye goggles, whether transparent or shaded, to protect from the sun.
No problem, just let the Pilot know before taking off and he will make sure you don't get any dizziness by making very smooth turns.
Camino a San José sin número, entre hoteles Ocho Cascadas y Villas del Arco, Colonia El Médano Ejidal, Cabo San Lucas, BCS
Call From USA +52 624 150 1000 +52 624 144 1294
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